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Candidate Portfolio
Every CTSM candidate must complete a portfolio of work in order to receive CTSM certification. Portfolios may be submitted only after the session requirements have been completed. The first step is to register online. Once your registration has been accepted, you will be assigned a CTSM graduate advisor to work with. It is important to note that once you register for your portfolio, you must complete and submit your document to the CTSM office within ONE YEAR from your registration date. If not submitted within the one-year timeframe, you will have to re-register and repay the fee.

If candidates desire to be recognized as a new graduate at an upcoming EXHIBITORLIVE, they must submit their portfolio for review at least 2½ months prior to the conference. The review committee is only able to review a limited number of portfolios each month. If you missed the deadline, keep writing, finish your portfolio and submit it as soon as possible. Additional portfolios will get reviewed if the limited number has not been reached. The Review Committee holds monthly reviews as needed.

Portfolio Registration Form
This is the first step to get started on your portfolio.

Portfolio Requirements

Submission Instructions
When you have completed your portfolio, the following are required:
  • Save portfolio as a PDF or PowerPoint – Last Name, First Name, CTSM Portfolio (e.g. Stewart, Martha, CTSM Portfolio)
  • Maximum file size 20 MB.
  • Log in to the portal using provided username and password and upload portfolio
  • Email ctsm@exhibitorgroup.com when you are finished uploading so we can assign reviewers.
  • Send digital headshot to ctsm@exhibitorgroup.com
  • Your image should reflect your professionalism. Guidelines and tips for headshots

Tools to Help Get Started

Getting Started
Helpful Outline Guide: Outline Template for Portfolio Development
Examples of methods used to organize and outline in preparation for writing:
  • Hope Arnold, CTSM
  • Jason Thomas, CTSM

CTSM Portfolio: A Quick Overview
This is designed to get you started. It's a short overview of the requirements and the important components to include.

7010: Preparing, Developing, and Submitting a Quality CTSM Portfolio
This online session will help you get started on your portfolio.

Portfolio Checklist for Candidates
Use this document/checklist to be sure that you have included everything that is expected in each section of your portfolio.

Review Committee Evaluation Form
This is the reviewers evaluation form. This is everything the reviewers are looking for in your portfolio.

Tools for Graduate Advisors
  • Advisor Guidelines
  • Advisor Sign-Off Form

Building a Portfolio

Your portfolio is a collection of materials which showcase your tradeshow marketing abilities and your application
of essential learning components gained through your attendance at EXHIBITOR conference seminars.
Your portfolio will include your educational and career background; company background; introductory
remarks about your program; overall corporate objectives for tradeshow/event marketing; management of
exhibit design/production; a demonstration of how key messages were integrated into your program; successes and
areas of improvement for trade show activities and what you have learned from your EXHIBITOR education.
Here are some sample portfolios:

Samantha Nelson
Good example of well-organized
online portfolio
Elaine Arnold
Another good example of online
portal format
Alison Chase
Good example of using links between
references and appendix pages referenced
Nikki Adkins
Overall beautiful, well-written,
easy-to-read portfolio
Alexis Winslow
Inviting layout, basic criteria
covered in an uncomplicated way
Tom Peterson
Excellent portfolio from the
exhibit house/partner perspective.
Colleen Callan
Excellent example of an event-focused portfolio (from a non-profit, during the pandemic)
Dawn Leeper
Excellent portfolio using a layout variation – slides rather than
8 ½ x 11
Brenda Mitchell
Makes appendix references easy to read with links that take you back and forth.

Support From Advisors
You will be assigned an advisor to assist you through the development of the portfolio. It is your responsibility
to keep regular communication flowing between the two of you and commit to a time schedule for submitting
portions of your portfolio for review. Your advisor will review your final document before it is submitted
to the CTSM office and then notify the CTSM executive advisor that your portfolio is ready for submission.

Your portfolio will be evaluated by a review committee, made up of the CTSM Program Manager and
CTSM Diamond Level Graduates. Each section will be judged on the basis of "acceptable" or "revise/add."
Receiving all "acceptable" comments results in portfolio approval. "Revise/add" comments mean that the
section needs further development in order to be approved for certification. You will be asked to resubmit
with further evidence of mastery in that category in order to meet the portfolio requirement for the CTSM program.

Frequently Asked Questions
How much does the portfolio registration cost?
The fee for portfolio registration is $245.

How long do I have to complete my portfolio?
You have one year from the date that you register without having to repay your registration fee. If you fail to complete your portfolio within one year, you will have to re-register and repay the fee. Depending upon how much time has lapsed, you may need to be assigned to a different advisor also.

When should I register for my portfolio?
Register when you have completed all of your sessions necessary for certification.

Do I have to pass my exam before I can register for my portfolio?
No. You must have your sessions taken prior to registering; however, after completing your sessions, you may either study for your exam or work on your portfolio, whichever best fits your schedule.

Is it required to take the 7010 portfolio class?
No, it is not required. It is highly recommended though because it gets you off to a great start. The class covers everything that should be included in each section of your portfolio. It greatly raises the likelihood of having your portfolio accepted on its first submission.

When is the best time to take the 7010 portfolio class?
Many candidates like to take it after they have attended their first conference because it helps them know what type of information to be collecting in folders for each portfolio section. Others like to take it right before they are ready to start writing their portfolio so that all requirements are fresh in their minds as they begin developing their document. This is really up to each individual.

Our company does not measure our trade show participation. How will I be able to complete the measurements and results sections?
Having measurable goals/objectives, tracking them and reporting results is critical to a CTSM portfolio. Even if this is not required by your company, you must determine some components of your trade show and/or event program that you could measure and begin doing so on your own.

I don't have responsibility for the marketing communications at our company. How will I be able to complete the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) section of the portfolio?
Be sure to connect with the individuals at your company who are responsible for IMC. Let them know what you are doing, how it is important to tie their responsibilities to yours, and ask them if they will share their goals/objectives, strategies, tactics, and results with you so that a well-unified program can be presented.

Does the portfolio have to be written about my management of only one show, or can I refer to several shows or my annual schedule?
The preferable way is to focus on only one show or event, and candidates find that this is the easiest way to demonstrate a well-managed program. However, in some instances this doesn't always work well for an individual. If you feel you need to vary from the one show focus, be sure to discuss your situation with your advisor and/or the CTSM executive advisor.

I am on the supplier side of the industry and I don't manage trade shows or events like a corporate trade show manager does. How will I be able to meet the current requirements and complete my portfolio?
If you are not responsible for the management of your own company's presence at an industry event, then partner with one of your clients with whom you have an excellent relationship. Ask if you can use your partnership as a case study in a portfolio you are writing for certification in trade show and/or event marketing.

How long should the portfolio be?
The average length of portfolios is 25-45 pages for the document itself, with additional pages added as appendices if individuals wish to add supporting documents. However, the real issue is not length, but rather have you included all of the required details necessary to meet the criteria as concisely as possible.


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