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![]() Photos: Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann
If We Build It, Will They Come?
Enigma Research polled 2,000 live-event attendees to gauge their willingness to return to large gatherings – and under what circumstances. Here are 10 highlights that speak directly to trade shows and conferences. By Ben Barclay
Download the full report here.
Enigma Research, with support from Exhibitor Media Group, surveyed 2,000 event attendees regarding their expectations about returning to live events. All survey respondents have attended some form of live event (e.g., a trade show, sporting event, festival, etc.) within the past 24 months. While the survey covered 10 different live-event segments, we focused only on the responses from those in the trade show and corporate event industry and summarized our 10 key findings.
1. An overwhelming number of showgoers (94 percent) very much or somewhat miss trade shows and events. When asked about which aspects of live events they miss most, 86 percent of attendees mentioned live entertainment and activities, 55 percent cited bonding, and 32 percent said live seminars or educational sessions. 2. Roughly three-quarters of respondents report they are extremely or very likely to head back to events once large gatherings resume. On the other hand, a full 10 percent say they are not very likely or not at all likely to return to events. 3. While more than one-third (36 percent) of attendees said they are willing to immediately return to the trade show floor, most indicate they will delay returning. Almost one-quarter (23 percent) report they would within the first four weeks or trade shows resuming, and another 30 percent said that they would wait between one and six months. 4. Safety precautions adopted by show and event management will affect attendance. While increased hand washing and extreme sanitation and cleaning at venues are largely viewed as necessary, attendees are more split on other safety measures. For example, 39 percent of those surveyed report they are more likely to attend if all attendees are required to wear masks, whereas 30 percent said having to wear a mask would make them less likely to attend. Interestingly, 48 percent are more likely to attend if all event workers must wear masks, whereas only 18 percent would be less likely. Enforced on-site social-distancing measures result in 44 percent of attendees being more likely to attend, and 24 percent less likely. 5. More extensive safety measures, such as temperature scans and virus-free documentation, have showgoers divided as well. Required temperature checks prior to entry is favorable to 39 percent of respondents, but 21 percent indicate they would be less likely to attend an event with such a policy. And 26 percent said they would be more likely to attend an event that required participants to provide a document stating they are virus-free, while 36 percent report they would be less likely to attend. ![]() 7. Nearly three-quarters (74 percent) of those surveyed believe alternatives such as livestreaming or virtual experiences are poor substitutes for live events, while 16 percent find such alternatives useful. 8. When asked to what degree attendees find virtual events for business conferences or trade shows appealing, the numbers shift a bit. Only 14 percent find virtual business conferences or trade shows very appealing; 38 find them somewhat appealing; and 48 percent find them unappealing. 9. Trade show and conference attendees don't agree about whether governments should financially support live events to help them resume as soon as possible. Of those surveyed, 40 percent believe governments should help, while 36 percent do not. 10. The survey found that a COVID-19 vaccine is not a requirement for most attendees to resume attending shows. The majority (53 percent) of attendees are willing to return to events before a vaccine is available, but almost one-fifth (17 percent) will avoid live events until there is a vaccine. Download the full report here.
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