Monitoring the Situation
Adding monitors to an existing display wall can be a hassle, as supports, wire management, and lighting often look tacked on when added after the fact. But now you can easily turn one of your existing wall panels into a monitor display when you cover it with the Wall Skinning Display by Walls + Forms Inc. The product includes everything you need to transform a wall panel up to 9 feet tall and 6.6 feet wide into a sleek, multimedia display, and
gives you options such as a ledge for a sound bar, shelving and cubbies for product samples and literature, and the capacity to house one or two 70-inch monitors. A backlit header illuminates your logo, and a 26-inch-deep base provides stability for a display that can be integrated into longer expanses of wall or used as a stand-alone panel. Magnetic graphics provide easily changed branding. Contact: Walls + Forms Inc., Coppell, TX, 972-745-0800,
Tough Tech
Smartphones are an important tool for exhibit managers, but keeping the devices out of harm's way on the show floor can be a challenge. The N4 Android device by Two Technologies Inc. may be the answer to that problem, offering Samsung Galaxy Note technology in an ultra rugged polycarbonate shell that will withstand the most demanding work conditions. The N4 features a high-resolution, 5.5-inch screen, a 70-key backlit keypad, a camera, and an optional three-channel magnetic stripe reader. Devices can be dropped, submerged in liquid up to 3 feet, or exposed to operating temperatures of up to 122 degrees without being damaged. Contact: Two Technologies Inc., Horsham, PA, 215-441-5305,
Here, Hear
Earbuds have been a staple tchotchke for as long as people have had personal music players, and they are so commonplace now that show attendees might go home with several in their bags. But earbud branding has been typically relegated to the case, and most mini headphones look identical to one another, making the product a short-lived branding tool once it is out of the package. But now, Custom USB, a division of IPMedia Holdings, is turning the earpieces themselves into custom shapes crafted of PVC rubber. Each earbud is backed with your customized message molded directly into the design, giving your brand reach that lasts as long as the headphones do. Earbuds and cords can be customized to match corporate colors, and the outside of the earpiece can have any logo or other insignia that you desire. The product fits into a tube case that can be branded for your company as well. Contact: Custom USB, a
division of IPMedia Holdings, Wheeling, IL, 800-447-0149,
People Mover
Collecting data about attendee engagement is useful, but reviewing reports at the end of an event or trade show does little to assure its success midstream. GenieConnect Inc. has developed a solution to that dilemma, launching a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) utility in its event app that allows organizers to create goals for participation, measure attendee involvement throughout the event, and reach out to guests whose immersion in activities is low. To use the KPI technology, event managers set benchmarks for things such as attendee engagement, and can analyze group and individual data in real time to spot where engagement is falling short. Organizers can then send select groups of attendees personalized, template messages that encourage higher participation. The app also provides a platform for live polling and answering attendee questions, as well as offering registration, scheduling, and document assistance. Contact: GenieConnect Inc., Chicago, 312-756-0110,
Drama King
Make your next exhibit's message pop when you have it printed on a glimmering wall of sequins crafted by Radiant Manufacturing. SolaRay sequins are circle or octagon shaped and 0.75 to 1.5 inches in diameter. They're mounted on 12.25-inch-square panels that can be assembled into booth walls of virtually any size. Choose panels of unprinted sequins in stock or custom colors, or have entire walls printed with your high-resolution images on silver or white backgrounds. From the grid to which they are mounted, sequins are free to oscillate in the breeze, making them a dynamic, eye-catching surface for your exhibit. Each panel includes mounting holes, and clips to secure individual panels
make installation a cinch. Contact: Radiant Manufacturing, Pompano Beach, FL, 877-787-8880,
No Gaffing Matter
Covering cables on the floor of a trade show booth with gaffer's tape is time consuming, backbreaking work, but doing so is one of the necessary evils of exhibiting. The GaffGun by GaffTech promises to save time and your back by making the application 90 percent faster, no matter what kind of cabling you need to cover. The GaffGun works like a traditional packing-tape dispenser by rolling out tape as the device is pushed along a surface.
But this tool has channels underneath that will guide loose cables together before tape is pressed along them, giving you neat, straight lines. In addition, these cable guides are available in three different sizes for various cable bundle dimensions. An extension handle screws into the GaffGun to allow the user to roll it across the floor from an upright position rather than on his or her hands and knees, and the device accepts specially designed GaffTech tape but can also accommodate other brands of gaffer's tape using an adapter.
Contact: GaffTech LLC, Seattle, 844-423-3486,
Frame Job
Exhibitors who want the appearance of a custom-built exhibit without the cost of one might find that the Omni Frame from Aluvision is the perfect solution. The versatile aluminum system uses a 2.17-inch frame that is compatible with other frame products in the industry, but the Omni Frame offers exhibitors flexibility when it comes to designing a display. The system will hold any configuration of silicone-edge graphics (SEG) and hard panels on opposite sides of the same frame piece. As such, SEG graphics can be stretched across multiple frame sections to create large,
seamless graphics even when individual panels are being displayed on the other side. The system is lightweight and does not require tools for assembly, allowing for reduced shipping and installation charges, and it can be curved into different radiuses and cut to order for any dimension needed.
Available for both rental and purchase, Omni Frames use a standard hole pattern, making them compatible with previously purchased accessories such as shelves, monitor brackets, and even base plates. Contact: Aluvision, Alpharetta, GA, 646-736-7317,