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Following a revamp of production processes, beMatrix® is leading exhibitors into the future of sustainability
The idea of sustainability has been growing in popularity in the exhibits and events industry for decades now. But what does it look like to put sustainability goals into action? Is it financially possible? Do customers notice changes to products or processes that put the earth first in addition to the customer? At beMatrix®, we make epic moves for the planet, and we answer these questions with a resounding YES!

We recently received the ClimatePartner Certified label for our ECO Frames through ClimatePartner, an independent German-based organization dedicated to helping organizations around the world create meaningful climate action by reducing their carbon footprint. ECO Frames are aluminum exhibit frames that can be assembled in hundreds of ways to create custom exhibit spaces. Our retooling of the ECO Frames process increased the amount of recycled metals featured in its production while preventing 9,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere each year.

ClimatePartner Certification

Why does sustainability matter? Does a focus on sustainability make financial sense? Do clients even care? We firmly believe in a mandate for designing and producing exhibit products in more sustainable ways. Below, we outline the steps we have taken to show the impact of sustainability goals through two products: our ECO Frames and our online Carbon Footprint Calculator.

ClimatePartner Certification Emphasizes Transparency, Data-Based Changes

In pursuit of sustainability, beMatrix® ECO Frames now boast the premier ClimatePartner Certified label, indicating that these products are created to help event and exhibition professionals operate in a more sustainable manner. This label takes into account what is known as Cradle to Customer + End of Life. This means that all emissions, from mining the raw materials to recycling the product at the end of its life, are taken into account.

ECO Frames can be assembled in hundreds of ways to create custom exhibit spaces. Thus, these pieces can be reused in almost any exhibit frame setup for many years without losing their integrity. However, we realized there were several improvements to the integrity of the frame production process we needed to make to reassure our sustainability-conscious clients that choosing our frames truly supports their sustainability goals.

ClimatePartner Certification

ClimatePartner certification transparently discloses a company’s climate action strategy including their current production-related emissions, emissions reduction targets, existing carbon reductions, and financial contributions toward climate relief projects. Climate Partner works with companies desiring to do more to mitigate any adverse environmental effects from their manufacturing processes and product use. The goal of these partnerships is to create more sustainable products from production to product end-of-life through five steps: measuring carbon footprints, setting carbon reduction targets, implementing reductions, financing climate projects, and communicating transparently.

beMatrix® began its journey to a more sustainable exhibit frameoffering by first calculating its product carbon footprint (PCF). PCFs take into account the materials and energy required to extract the raw materials that comprise a product, to produce it, to transport it to the client, and to recycle or dispose of the product and its packaging at the end of its useful life.

beMatrix’s® ECO Frames had a carbon footprint of 61.98 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2) per piece. This piece consists of a 1m by 2.5m frame, 1 connector, and 1 pin. We committed to reducing emissions produced by company production and ancillary processes by 46.2% between 2019 and 2030. We also committed to reducing indirect emissions such as downstream transportation and distribution and waste generation by 55% for the same time period.

Next, we took our time examining our production processes to meet these reduction targets. Our production teams took stock of the carbon emissions created during the production, installation and use, and disposal processes of our ECO Frames. The reduction measures they implemented include:
  • Welding the corners of our ECO Frames
  • Removing pollution-causing surface treatments from the production process in favor of a brushed ECO+ finish,
  • Increasing the amount of recycled materials used in our ECO Frames to 78% of total materials used, and
  • Streamlining production on one automated line
The result? Our original aluminum frame system with the big holes is now made with fewer carbon emissions and more recycled material. Event professionals who use beMatrix® ECO Frames for their exhibit structure, rather than one-time-use materials, will reduce their exhibit carbon footprint by at least 72%.

Finally, we committed to purchasing self-generating, renewable energy to power at least 23% of our anticipated electric production needs. We’ve financed two certified climate projects to accelerate collective efforts towards achieving net-zero emissions as outlined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our financial support will remove an estimated 717,835 Kg of CO2 from our environment, helping to ensure that not only will the exhibit industry thrive for years to come, but our children and grandchildren can enjoy an environment as beautiful as the event spaces our company helps clients dream up.

Uncover your exhibit’s environmental impact with our Carbon Footprint Calculator

Another way we are leading the charge for sustainability in exhibit design is through our online Carbon Footprint Calculator, winner of the 2024 Green GOOD DESIGN Award. The Carbon Footprint Calculator is an online tool available to any beMatrix® customer to assist with calculating the environmental impact of an exhibition system. Sustainability focuses companies can enter the amount and types of materials and infills they plan to use, plus the emission impacts of the transportation needed to ship their exhibit to its destination. The Carbon Footprint Calculator estimates the resulting carbon emissions and suggests ways exhibitors can reduce or offset these pollutants. Scientific data for the calculator comes from France’s Base Empreinte, a certified carbon data source.

You must be a registered MybeMatrix® member to use the Carbon Footprint Calculator, but registration is quick and free. Register online to join MybeMatrix® and begin planning your next exhibit around your company’s sustainability goals.

Why does sustainability matter?

You may be thinking, So what? The events industry unfortunately involves a lot of waste. The nature of a temporary event means one-time-use items are necessary and common. Attendees can’t help it if a marquee event is far from their home; they’re definitely going to use the most efficient transportation to get there. What difference does it make if an exhibit’s frames are sustainable or not?

Sustainable exhibit frames offer numerous benefits that appeal to modern businesses and event organizers. At the forefront is the significant positive environmental impact. Using recycled materials and employing low-carbon production methods helps reduce carbon emissions, conserve natural resources, and minimize waste sent to landfills. Our commitment to sustainability, starting with this one product line, not only contributes positively to reversing the consequences of climate change but also demonstrates the dedication of beMatrix® and the individuals who make up our company to a better world. Such initiatives can dramatically improve brand image, aligning with the growing expectations of environmentally conscious consumers and investors.

From a business perspective, sustainable exhibit frames offer several strategic advantages for our customers. They can lead to cost savings through more efficient production processes and potential tax incentives. Moreover, these sustainable products provide a distinct marketing edge in a competitive market, appealing to clients and attendees who prioritize sustainability. This differentiation can be crucial in winning contracts and attracting environmentally aware participants to events. Additionally, using such products can help companies comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations and prepare for potential future carbon pricing or emissions limits. This forward-thinking approach also future-proofs our companies against shifts in resource availability and changing event practices.

The benefits extend beyond immediate business concerns to impact company culture and industry standing. Our employees report feeling more satisfied and motivated when working on projects that prioritize sustainability. This satisfaction, in turn, boosts morale and helps us attract even more top talent. By adopting sustainable practices, your business can position itself as an industry leader capable of influencing standards and setting the direction for the events and exhibitions sector.

Lastly, more sustainably produced products like exhibit frames contribute to broader event sustainability goals. They can play a crucial role in obtaining green event certifications and meeting the sustainability targets increasingly set by exhibition organizers and venues. By choosing these sustainable options, event businesses demonstrate a holistic commitment to reducing the environmental impact of their events, which can resonate strongly with attendees and stakeholders alike.

How will you put sustainability first?

As our teams have shown through their work on our ECO Frames and Carbon Footprint Calculator, sustainability in the exhibition industry is achievable and beneficial. It offers environmental benefits, business advantages, and meets growing client expectations. How can you achieve ClimatePartner status and put sustainability first? Try this roadmap to better business sustainability:
  1. Assess your impact using tools like the Carbon Footprint Calculator
  2. Choose sustainable materials like ECO Frames
  3. Optimize transportation to reduce emissions
  4. Educate your team and clients on sustainability
  5. Set clear environmental goals
Every small step counts. By embracing sustainability, we ensure our industry thrives in an environmentally-conscious future. Let's make epic moves for the planet, one exhibit at a time.

About the Author:
beMatrix® designs and manufactures the renowned aluminum frame system beMatrix® b62®. Affectionately known as “the system with the big holes,” beMatrix® is a Tooless™, continuously-reusable frame system for the exhibit builder, general contractor, and event producer. beMatrix® is recognized for its quick and easy construction and for its versatility— each frame can be used as a floor, wall, or ceiling. The system is a full, 360-degree solution that includes straight and curved frames, doors, counters, lighting and wall mounting accessories. Panel infill options include hard panel, fabric, LEDskin® integrated video screens, and infinite custom solutions. Frames are produced and delivered throughout North America from a state-of-the-art production facility in Atlanta, Georgia—with global manufacturing facilities located in Belgium and around the world. beMatrix® is currently used by more than 500 North American partners and is available in 63 countries around the world. For more information go to www.beMatrix.us.


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