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Italian Exhibition Group Board of Directors Approves the Draft Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31 December 2023
RIMINI – The Board of Directors of Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A. (“IEG” or the “Group”) a leading company in Italy in the organization of International trade fair events and a listed company at Euronext Milan of Borsa Italiana S.p.A., today approved its draft statutory financial statements and consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2023.

IEG Group CEO Corrado Arturo Peraboni commented:: “The results of 2023 demonstrate the great ability of the IEG Group to recover revenues and margins with greater responsiveness compared to industry expectations and in a long-standing adverse external context that still presents elements of uncertainty linked to the geopolitical instability of this period. At the core of this great achievement are the solid strategic guidelines conceived during the pandemic period and reaffirmed in the new Strategic Plan 2023-2028, our nature as a trade show organizer that confirms us as leaders in terms of the number of owned events, and our ability not only to support our industries but also to be a leading actor and pioneer of innovation and change. The excellent performance of the just-ended fiscal year has catalyzed the drafting of a new strategic plan, an ambitious document that places us in a benchmark position in the national trade show landscape.”


The Group closed 2023 with Revenues of 212.4 million euros, up 52.0 million euros compared to the 160.4 million euros recorded in 2022. The Group has continued to achieve record turnover thanks to the steady organic growth that has led some events to achieve their best performance ever, as well as the recovery of post-pandemic volumes, which had continued to penalize Q1 2022 with the postponement of certain events, reducing exhibition and visitor volumes.

Adjusted EBITDA amounted to 49.5 million euros, an improvement of 31.5 million euros, compared to 31 December 2022 when the Group recorded gross operating margins of 18.1 million euros, but also an increase compared to 2019, the last pre-pandemic year, which was a record year for the Group in terms of sales and margins. The EBITDA margin came to 23.3% recovering 12.1 percentage points compared to 31 December 2022, thanks to higher volumes and price effect, despite inflation pressure which continues to impact supplies, particularly those related to services, transport and materials.

The group closed the year with a profit of 13.3 million, up 14.2 million euros compared to the previous year, when it made a loss of 0.8 million euros.

The Net Financial Position as of 31 December 2023 amounted to 71.9 million euros, an improvement of 23.4 million euros compared to the previous year when it was 95.4 million euros thanks to steady operating cash generation.

With reference to the Group’s sole operating segment namely “Hosting of trade fairs, events and performance of related services”, revenues breakdown by line of business is shown below:


Revenues from Organised Events, which represented 58% of the Group’s revenues in 2023, were 122.1 million euros, with an increase of 35.4 million euros compared to the previous year. The year 2023 saw the scheduling, as before the pandemic, of three of the main events organised by the Group, such as 'Sigep', 'VicenzaOro January' and 'T.Gold', and of the first edition of 'K.EY', arising from the spin-off of the energy sector from Ecomondo. The main driver of the incremental change in turnover was the organic component which was 21.8 million euros (+25.1%), while the so-called “Restart” effect of the events was 10.4 million euros, marking an increase of 12.0% compared to the previous period.

The Hosted Events recorded total revenues of 4.5 million euros, with an organic increase compared to 2022 (3.1 million euros as of 31 September 2022) of 1.4 million euros.

Revenues from Conferences were originated by the operation of Rimini Convention Centre and Vicenza Convention Centre (VICC). In 2023 a total of 126 conferences were held in the two locations, with revenues of 19.2 million euros, and an incremental growth of 4.5 million euros compared to 2022 (when the amount was 14.8 million euros), thanks to an increase in the physical presence of participants, which was restricted in 2022.

Revenue in 2023 attributable to the Related Services segment amounted to 62.7 million euros (52.0 million euros as of 31 December 2022), up 10.7 million euros compared to the previous year, driven by 10.2 million euros of organic growth, while the post-pandemic 'Restart' effect contributed about 1.4 million euros to the revenue growth for the period.

Publishing, Sports Events and Other Activities, through the publishing activities carried out for tourism sector (TTG Italia, Turismo d’Italia e HotelMag) and for the gold sector (VO+ e Trendvision), the sports events and other residual revenues, have developed total revenues for 3.9 million euros, substantially in line with the result achieved as of 31 December 2022.

Operating Costs as of 31 December 2023 amounted to 121.6 million euros (106.5 million euros as of 31 December 2022), with the percentage of turnover decreasing from 66.4% to 57.3%, as a result of higher volumes, mainly due to organic growth and partly to the so-called 'Restart' effect.

The Contribution Margin recorded in the year was equal to 90.8 million Euros, an increase of 36.9 million euros compared to the previous year (53.9 million euros) and it corresponded to 42.7% of revenues, marking an improvement compared to the previous year, when the percentage of the turnover was equal to 33.6% thanks to the recovery of volumes and prices, despite the inflationary increases in the supply costs of materials and transport and in particular on the related Services.

Labour costs as of 31 December 2023 were 41.5 million euros, with an increase of 3.4 million euros compared to the previous year when they were 38.1 million euros. The incidence of revenues improved from 23.7% as of 31 December 2022 to 19.6% as of 31 December 2023, with an improvement of 4.1 percentage points.

Adjusted EBITDA amounted to 49.5 million euros, an improvement of 31.5 million euros compared to 2022, when it was 18.1 million euros. The Adjusted EBITDA Margin at 31 December 2023 stood at 23.3% of revenue, compared to 11.3% at the end of 2022. The margin recovery of about 12.1 percentage points was driven in particular by increased volumes and partially by price effects, as well as by the recovery of postpandemic volumes ('Restart' effect).

The Group's Adjusted EBIT as of 31 December 2023 stood at 31.6 million euros, an improvement of 29.4 million euros compared to the previous year, with a percentage profitability of 14.9% compared to 2.2 million euros in 2022.

Financial Operations as of 31 December 2023 amounted to -5.0 million euros (as of 31 December 2022 it was positive for 0.5 million euros), with an increase in financial expenses of 1.5 million euros, mainly due to the increase in interest rates for bank loans, as well as the negative effects of the change in the fair value of derivative financial instruments for 3.7 million euros.

Earning Before Taxes as of 31 December 2023 was 20.7 million euros, an improvement of 20.3 million euros compared to 31 December 2022.

Income taxes amounted to 7.4 million euros, with a tax rate of 35.7% in line with pre-pandemic periods. The Group's Profit for the Period amounted to 13.3 million euros, an increase of 14.2 million euros compared to the year ended 31 December 2022.

Net Invested Capital, at 178.8 million Euros (189.7 million Euros as of 31 December 2022), a decrease of 10.9 million Euros, of which 5.4 million Euros as incremental change in fixed assets and 10.1 million Euros as decrease of Net Working Capital.

Fixed Assets (259.2 million Euros as at 31 December 2023) showed an overall increase of 5.4 million Euros mainly attributable to the recognition of goodwill arising from the acquisitions of the Jewellery Events (SIJE), Café Asia and Sweets & Bakes Asia & Restaurant Asia (CARA) for 2.3 million Euros, the trade fairs 'Speciality Food & Drinks Asia', 'Food2go' and 'Speciality Coffee & Tea' for 0.4 million Euros, the subsidiary MundoGEO for 1.3 million Euros and the subsidiary A&T Srl for 0.6 million Euros. The incremental change of 5.6 million Euros in Tangible Assets mainly relates to investments made by Group companies, while the utilisation of deferred tax assets of 3.3 million Euros recognised on tax losses carried forward and the adjustment of financial assets for a total of 4.1 million Euros had a decreasing effect.

The negative Net Working Capital of 67.3 million Euros as of 31 December 2023, decreased by 10.1 million Euros in connection with the higher non-current liabilities recorded against advances from customers for events to be held in the first quarter of 2024 due to higher volumes.

The Group's Net Financial Position as of 31 December 2023 was 71.9 million Euros, an improvement of 23.4 million Euros compared to 31 December 2022. Operating cash generated in the year amounted to 38.7 million euros. Capital expenditure for the period amounted to 10.4 million euros and mainly related to the ordinary maintenance of the exhibition centres, the construction of the new automated car parks, the start of the redevelopment of the Vicenza exhibition centre and the rebuilding of equipment for the production companies, as well as investments in information systems and digitalisation projects. Development investments completed through acquisitions amounted to 3.3 million euros and related to both expansion on the Italian market with the acquisition of A&T S.r.l., and to the expansion on the international market with the acquisitions of the business units containing the assets for the Jewellery Events (SIJE), Café Asia and Sweets & Bakes Asia & Restaurant Asia (CARA), 'Speciality Food & Drinks Asia', 'Food2go' and 'Speciality Coffee & Tea' by the subsidiary IEG Asia, of the company MundoGEO by the subsidiary IEG Brasil.


The fourth quarter of 2023 showed Revenues of 62.7 million euros, an increase of 6.9 million euros compared to the same period of the previous year, when they amounted to 55.8 million euros. Group’s revenues by line of business in the fourth quarter of 2023 is shown below:


The Group ended the last quarter of the year with the hosting of scheduled events such as Ecomondo, TTG, INOUT and the Dubai Muscle Show, which generated a turnover of 43.8 million euros; related services contributed 12.4 million euros to the turnover of the quarter. Growth in the fourth quarter was mainly organic, driven by the hosting of the events of the customer portfolio. Also making an appreciable contribution in the quarter were the first editions of Greenscape, presented in Rimini at the same time as INOUT, and the inclusion in the scope of the Group of the Automation & Testing event, which, in its first “North East” edition, closed the Italian exhibition calendar of products dedicated to technological innovation, presenting in Vicenza an event serving the important industrial basin of the Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige and neighbouring territories, and which will be joined by the Turin edition scheduled for February 2024.

The Adjusted EBITDA for the fourth quarter of the year amounted to 15.7 million euros, an improvement of 4.5 million euros, due to higher volumes and, in part, price effects.

The Adjusted Operating Profit (EBIT) for the fourth quarter of 2023 amounted to 9.8 million euros, an improvement of 1.5 million euros compared to 31 December 2022 and with an EBIT margin of 15.7%, an improvement of 0.7% compared to 2022.

The Group's result for the quarter amounted to 3.7 million euros, a decrease of 4.4 million euros compared to the same period last year, due to provisions for risks and to the worsening in Financial Management as a result of higher interest rates.


  • On 28 April 2023 the Shareholders’ Meeting appointed the member of the Board of Statutory Auditors, who were in charge until the Shareholders’ Meeting for the approval of the Financial Statement as of 31 December 2022, and confirming Ms. Alessandra Pederzoli as Chairwoman and Mr. Stefano Berti and Mr. Fabio Pranzetti as Standing Auditors, and Ms. Meris Montemaggi and Ms. Luisa Renna as Alternate Auditors.
  • The Shareholders’ Meeting confirmed Mr. Gian Luca Brasini as Independent Director, in charge since 29 August 2022 in replacement of Mr. Marino Gabellini, who left his role on 18 July 2022.
  • On 23 June 2023, after the death of Ms Alessandra Pederzoli, according to the Law and the Company Statute, Ms Luisa Renna appointed from the minority list, took on the position.
  • On 5 September 2023, Mr. Lorenzo Cagnoni, the Chairman of the Board of Directors passed away.
  • On 9 October 2023, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Maurizio Renzo Ermeti as new Chairman of the Board of Directors, to replace Mr. Cagnoni. Mr. Ermeti, who was a non-executive Director since 1997 and the Vice-Chairman from 2008 to 2016, received the same power of attorney that were awarded to Mr. Cagnoni.

The Group has completed both corporate operations and acquisitions during the year to pursue international expansion, as listed below.
  • The acquisition of a business unit containing the assets for the organisation of two trade fairs, the Singapore International Jewellery Event (SIJE) and Café Asia and Sweets & Bakes Asia & Restaurant Asia (CARA), was finalised on 27 February 2023, completing the Group's portfolio in South-East Asia in the jewellery and food sectors, respectively. The amount for the acquisition consists of a fixed price of 1.1 million euros paid at the closing day and a variable price, the fair value of which is estimated at 2.2 million euros, to be paid in three tranches and subject to the results of the future events, to be held in 2023 and 2024.
  • On 4 July 2023, the Group acquired, through its subsidiary IEG Brasil Eventos Ltda, 100% of the Brazilian company Mundogeo Eventos e Consultoria Empresarial Ltda. This company has been organising trade fairs and online events since 2011 in the fields of space, eVTOLs, drones, autonomous robots and geotechnology, areas in which Brazil is positioning itself as a reference market for Latin America. The last edition counted more than 5,700 participants from 33 countries, 150 speakers and 120 companies at the fair. The amount for the acquisition is equal to 10.4 million Brazilian Reals (about 2 million euros), of which 50% paid at the closing, while the remaining part is subject to the achievement of the economic objectives of the 2023-2025 business plan. The acquisition was financed with own financial resources.
  • On 10 July, the acquisition of the last 20% of the share capital of the subsidiary Pro.Stand S.r.l. was completed. During the Shareholders’ Meeting for the approval of the Financial Statements of the subsidiary closed on 31 December 2022, all the minority shareholders exercised their put option granted on their own shares from the contract signed on 19 July 2018. The price paid was 2.5 million euros, entirely financed with own financial resources.
  • On 29 August 2023 the Group exercised in advance the call option in order to buy the minority share capital of 49% in the subsidiary FB International Inc.
  • On 18 October 2023, IEG S.p.A. obtained the 51% share capital of A&T S.r.l., an Italian company. The company, founded in 2007, owns and organises the A&T – Automation & Testing event, which will reach its 18th edition next February in Turin, while the first edition took place in Vicenza on 25 October 2023. The event is about Industry 4.0 technologies and innovation. The acquisition price of the 51% share capital is about 0.6 million euros. The remaining 49% will be covered by a put and call option with a price to be determined based on the average EBITDA from the financial statements as at 31 December 2023, 2024 and 2025, adjusted by the Net Financial Position. The acquisition by IEG has been entirely financed with own financial resources.
  • On 7 December 2023, the subsidiary IEG Asia Pte Ltd finalised the acquisition of some of the events organised by Montgomery Events Asia Pte Ltd. The events acquired are in the Food & Beverage segment, which is already covered by the Group with some of its leading events: Speciality Food & Drinks Asia', 'Food2Go (Singapore)' and 'Speciality Coffee & Tea'. The acquisition price was approximately 0.4 million euros.

Strategic Plan for 2023-2028

On 25 January 2024, the Board of Directors of Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A. approved the new Strategic Plan for 2023-2028, in light of the significant results achieved by the Group in 2023, which underpin an acceleration in the Company's post-pandemic recovery process compared to industry forecasts. This document, therefore, updates the previous Strategic Plan for 2022-2027, which was drafted against a background of profound uncertainty. The strategic lines underpinning the new Strategic Plan do not differ from those in the previous Plan and concern the growth of the product portfolio, the consolidation of international expansion, investment in trade fair facilities and the creation of stakeholder value.


On 6 March 2024, the Board of Directors of the company IEG S.p.A., having heard the favourable opinion of the Board of Statutory Auditors, appointed Ms. Lucia Cicognani as interim manager in charge of drawing up the corporate accounting documents pursuant to Law no. 262/2005 and Art. 154-bis of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 as amended., while the duties of Chief Financial Officer will be held ad interim for the same period by the Managing Director of IEG, Mr. Corrado Peraboni, temporarily replacing Ms. Teresa Schiavina.


On 21 February 2024, the Parent Company signed an agreement for the acquisition of 51% of the capital of Palakiss S.r.l., an internationally renowned goldsmith centre located in Vicenza, a few steps from the city's exhibition centre, for a price of approximately 1 million euros. The acquisition also includes a call option for the purchase of the remaining 49% of the share capital, exercisable 30 days after the approval of the 2024 financial statements and valid for the following three years, at a price to be determined on the basis of the average EBITDA resulting from the two financial statements approved prior to the date of exercise of the option. The closing, subject to the conditions precedent stipulated in the purchase agreement, will be finalised at a later date. The acquisition will be financed through own means.


In the first part of the financial year 2023, the Group confirmed the acceleration of the post-pandemic recovery, as well as demonstrating that it was able to recover faster than expectations, but also recorded widespread growth in all the main business lines, achieving its best results ever in terms of both turnover and margins. The development of the product portfolio both through organic growth and through acquisitions in Italy and abroad has further strengthened the Group's strategic positioning and the distinctiveness of IEG's product portfolio and offer. The year’s performance was also accompanied by the consolidation of the financial position and on these grounds, the Strategic Plan 2023-2028 was updated.

On the basis of the performance of the main events held in the first two months of the year and the portfolio confirmed in the second quarter, the Group estimates that it has achieved the booking targets set out in the new 2023-2028 Strategic Plan for the end of the first half of 2024 and can confirm the 2024 forecasts included in the Strategic Plan with expected revenues and margin increasing respectively between 234 and 239 million Euros and operating margin between 56 and 58 million Euros.


The following allocation of annual result, equal to Euro 14,160,861 will be proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting on 29 april 2024:

- Euro 70,804 to the “Statutory Reserve” pursuant to Art. 24 (b) of the Statute;
- Euro 118,633 to “unavailable reserve for unrealised capital gains”;
- Euro 4,200,000 to “Dividends”;
- Euro 9,771,424 to partially cover previous year’s losses.

Therefore, the proposal for payment will be submitted to the Shareholders’ Meeting for each ordinary share entitled to payment on the record date (i.e. May 21, 2024), of a gross dividend – taking into account the 319,000 treasury shares held – amounting to Euro 0.14, for a total amount, based on the ordinary shares currently in circulation, of Euro 4.156.590, with the notice that any variations in the number of treasury shares at the time of distribution will not affect the amount of the dividend per share as indicated above.

The dividend will be payable starting from May 22,2024, with entitlement to payment, in accordance with Article 83-terdecies of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and Article 2.6.6, paragraph 2, of the Regulation of the Markets oranized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., on May 21, 2024 (so-called “record date”), and after the detachment of coupon no. 5 on May 20,2024.

The Board of Directors resolved today to convene the Shareholders’ Meeting in ordinary and extraordinary session on April 29, 2024 and if necessary on April 30, 2024 on second call. The Shareholders’ Meeting will be deliberate on the approval of the 2023 financial statements, the allocation of annual result, the proposal for dividend distribution, as well as the appointment of the new Board of Directors, the integration of the Board of Statutory Auditors as well as the authorization for the purchase and disposal of treasury shares, pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 2357 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code, as well as Article 132 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and Article 144-bis of CONSOB Regulation no. 11971/1999, subject to the revocation of the authorization granted by the previous Shareholders’ Meeting for the portion remaining unexecuted.

The Notice of Convocation, as well as all the documentation that will be submitted to the Shareholders’ Meeting, will be made available to the public, as required by law, at the Company’s registered office, on the Company’s website www.iegexpo.it, under the “Corporate Governance / Meetings” sections, and at the authorized storage mechanism 1info accessible at www.1info.it. An extract of the Nocice of Convocation will also be published in the newspaper Italia Oggi within the legal deadlines.

During today’s meeting, the Board of Directors also approved the Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure Report, the Remuneration Report, and the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016. These reports will be made available to the public in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed by the current legislation.

It is hereby announced that the audit activity of the financial statements has not yet been finalized, and therefore the auditor’s report will be made available within the legal deadlines. It i salso be noted that the Income statement and the Statement of Financial position attached represent reclassified templates and, as such, are not subject to verification by the auditing company.

Lastly, it should be noted that the Annual Financial Report (pursuant to Article 154 ter of the Consolidated law on Finance) of Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A. will be made available to the public at the company’s registered office, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and at the authorized storage mechanism 1info accessible at www.1info.it, as well as available for consultation on the company’s website www.iegexpo.it, section “Invevstor Relations” within the terms of applicable laws and regulations.

The manager in charge of preparing corporate accounting documents – Lucia Cicognani – declares, pursuant to paragraph 2 Article 154 bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance, that the accounting information contained in the press release corresponds to the documentary results, books and accounting records.

The financial results for 2023 will be presented in a conference call with the Financial Community scheduled for today at 18.00 (CET). The presentation will be available in the Investor Relations section on the website www.iegexpo.it from 5:45 pm.

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including references that are not solely related to historical data or current events and, as such, are uncertain. Forward-looking information is based on various assumptions, expectations, projections, and forecasted data regarding the financial results and other aspects of the Group’s activities and strategies and is subject to multiple uncertainties and other factors beyond the control of IEG and/or the Group. There are numerous factors that could cause significantly different results and trends compared to the content, implicit or explicit, or forward-looking information, and therefore such information is not a reliable indication of future performance. Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A. assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking information either as a result of new information, future events, or for other reasons, unless required by applicable law. Future results may also differ significantly from what is expressed or inferred from this communication regarding a variety of factors including, but not limited to: market trends; evolution of commodity prices; general macroeconomic conditions, geopolitical factors and regulatory developments. Furthermore, references to the Company’s or the Group’s past performance should not be taken as an indication of future performance.

For further information:
Investor Relation
Martina Malorni |martina.malorni@iegexpo.it | +39 0541 744452
Press Contact
Elisabetta Vitali |Head of corporate communication and media relation | elisabetta.vitali@iegexpo.it | +39 0541 744228


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