W3037 Advanced Learning Session: Tailoring Sponsorships to Your Exhibiting Goals
Exhibiting success often entails strategic sponsorship investments. With a multitude of choices available, the challenge lies in selecting the most suitable options that align with your company's exhibiting objectives. Join this session to refine your approach and achieve laser-focused success. In this session you will:
• Stay informed about the latest post-pandemic sponsorship trends based on CEIR research
• Revisit and engage in discussions with your peers, drawing insights from CEIR's 2020 study on: the most effective sponsorship offerings for various exhibitor objectives. Do these findings still hold true? What has changed? Discuss how to adapt your sponsorship strategy accordingly.
• Discover how evaluation processes can guide your future sponsorship investments
• Participate in peer-to-peer discussions and brainstorming to reach a consensus on which sponsorships are best suited to help you achieve your specific exhibiting goals
• Gather innovative ideas to enhance your exhibit program in alignment with proven strategies
CTSM Candidates with 5 or more years of experience may
take this session in place of certain five-digit required sessions, with prior approval.
Nancy Drapeau, IPC, vice president of research, Center for Exhibition Industry Research A 31-year market research veteran with extensive expertise in exhibition industry research. At CEIR she conducts industrywide trend studies and speaks at industry events. She has a BA in Government from Georgetown University and a Master's in Advanced European and International Studies from l'IEHEI. She is a member of the Event Industry Council's (EIC) Research & Advocacy Task Force. She lives in Maine with her husband, son and border collie, Moxie.