This workshop is for trade show marketing professionals looking for a comprehensive certificate program. The course was designed as the integration of the CTSM-required Basics of Trade Show Project Management Parts I & II, along with additional robust content to help you get organized for your company's trade show program - all in one day! Upon completion of the workshop you will earn a certificate that will be sent post-show. Key topics include:
• Describe the basic rules and regulations of exhibiting
• Set up the trade show with project management
• Assess your trade show shipping options
• Compare and contrast material handling - advance warehouse and direct to show
• Manage your show orders including labor orders, rigging, audio visual, internet and more
• Manage your electrical and plumbing orders
• Build an effective on-site implementation plan and selection of shipping methodology
• Prepare for the show dismantle, including the material handling agreement and outbound paperwork
• Discuss trade show budgets and invoice auditing
Plus, we'll interact with some activities to apply what we've learned. Join me as I take you through the trade show project management process from start to finish.