"I'm now pretty bored with single discipline conferences
because chances are you only learn about things you know already.
The wide variety of GRAVITY FREE speakers really does cover the
entire role of design. I think that's what makes it a very succinct conference."

Stefan Sagmeister, Graphic Designer, Grammy winner for Talking Heads boxed album
Past Speakers

Jake Barton
Media Designer

Henry Beer
Urban Designer

Bryan Berg
Architect and Guinness World Record Cardstacker

Jason Bruges
Interactive Designer

Paul Budnitz

Matt Chambers
Motorcycle Designer

Aldo Cibic
Designer and Co-Founder, Memphis

Brian Collins
Brand & Experience Designer

Chip Conley
Hotel Designer

Rafael de Cárdenas
Interior Stylist

Karin Fong
Movie Title and Experience Designer

Gordon Gill

Jess Gonchor
Production Designer

Kit Hinrichs
Author and Graphic Designer

Theo Jansen
Inventor and Kinetic Sculptor

Rod Keenan
Hat Designer

Franco Lodato

Karim Rashid
Product and Interior Designer

Stefan Sagmeister
Graphic Designer

Cameron Sinclair
Crisis Architect

Nico Ueberholz
Exhibition Designer

Lars Uwe Bleher
Architect, Scenographer, and Exhibition Designer

Iris van Herpen
Fashion Designer

Massimo Vignelli
Graphic Designer

Arturo Vittori
Aerospace Designer and Architect

What Attendees Have to Say

"The experience made me re-evaluate what I'm currently doing as a designer. How can I be more creative and fulfilled? Loved it!" "We have been going to conferences throughout our 30 plus years in the industry and while they may have been good, nothing compares to GRAVITY FREE." "The multi-disciplinary content, the conference philosophy, and the intimacy makes taking time out of peoples' very busy life worthy and a very enjoyable experience. Keep bringing it!"