design awards

Category:International Designer
Exhibitor: Conform GmbH
Design/Fabrication: Conform GmbH, Halle, Germany,
Show: EuroShop, 2008
Budget: $88,200
Size: 26-by-39 feet
Cost/Square Foot: $87

ow do you turn an abstract idea — movement — into a concrete, three-dimensional environment? If you’re Conform GmbH, a Halle, Germany-based exhibit-design firm, you start by looking to the sky for inspiration.

But we’re not talking aliens or planets. We’re talking about the satellite, which according to Sandra Bartling, head of marketing and public relations for Conform, symbolizes the dissemination of information, something that reinforces the company’s tagline, “worlds to communicate.”

When it came time to design its exhibit for EuroShop 2008, Conform decided to ground the satellite in a simple environment. The result? A 26-by-39-foot oasis swathed in white with accents in gray and Conform’s striking green hue. Resembling a futuristic diorama, the exhibit consisted of a large chipboard structure comprising the floor, back wall, and ceiling. Large-format graphics featured the company’s logo in gray, copy about marketing and communication in green, and light-gray silhouettes of people walking from one green mass to another.

Perhaps the most “whimsical” elements, according to Exhibit Design Awards judges, were the white orbs dotting the landscape. Six satellites — 24-inch-diameter white orbs made of acrylic — punctuated the exhibit space. Conform suspended two of the satellites from the ceiling, mounted two on the back wall, and installed two as freestanding elements. Emphasizing the company’s “worlds to communicate” tagline, the satellites each housed 17-inch plasma touchscreens.

From the satellites to the contrasting color palette, Conform’s exhibit clearly moved the judges. “It’s playful and yet sophisticated in the same breath. That’s a combination that typically stands out on the show floor.” And for an exhibitor competing for attendees’ attention, that feat is almost as monumental as landing on the moon.e

Lena Valenty, managing editor;

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Large-format graphics, which were printed on laminated paper and applied to the entire exhibit structure, featured organic bright-green shapes meant to represent abstract countries. To play off the exhibit’s theme of movement and reinforce Conform GmbH’s international capabilities, gray silhouettes of people appeared to be making the journey from one “country” to the next.


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