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Cyprus Pavilion
Photos courtesy of Manfred Vogel.

Theme: City of Interaction Client: Cyprus
Fabrication: Pico International Exhibition Services Ltd. Design: Totems Communication
Size: 3,500 square feet  

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Exterior Design: Connecting the past with the present and the future, Cyprus designed its pavilion around the country’s national symbol, Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Born from sea foam in the waves off the eastern Mediterranean island nation, the deity known for her divine looks and irresistible allure serves as the pavilion’s central metaphor. Purporting to be the goddess’ house, the pavilion offers an updated version of domestic architecture as old as the Trojan War to help visitors experience the evolution of Cypriot cities.

Pavilion Summary: Stepping onto a glass floor festooned with the ruby-colored patterns of rose leaves, visitors first encounter Aphrodite via a massive floor-to-ceiling screen on which pictures of the goddess from ancient mosaics are displayed. Within moments, they hear the deity narrate the history of Cyrus in a film projected against a 39-by-20-foot back wall. Afterward, on marble-like floors and narrow walls Odysseus would have felt at home in, attendees continue their journey in front of six 42-inch video monitors that display photos and text focusing on the cultural heritage and development of Cypriot cities from 9,000 BC until 1960, when the country won independence from the United Kingdom. Another presentation on 32-inch video monitors documents the growth and problems of its metropolitan area from 1960 to 2010. Capping off the visit to Aphrodite’s abode, five 35-inch-tall projections on horizontal and vertical surfaces show off visions of how the island’s future cities might take shape.

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