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EuroShop Announces Retail Design Conference Program

EuroShop, The Global Retail Trade Fair, will start with a highlight on February 26, 2011: the EuroShop Retail Design Conference of the EHI Retail Institute. High-caliber architects and experts from globally renowned retailers will present trends, projects, and visions with regards to the “hot topics” of retail design. Prof. Rodney Fitch, a leading figure in retail design, will chair the event. Some 300 top designers and decision makers from the worldwide retail sector are expected to attend. The conference will be held in English with simultaneous translation into German. Following the conference will be the presentation of the EuroShop Retail Design Awards (ERDA) in the festive atmosphere of the Düsseldorf Capitol Theater. Awards will be presented for the three best store concepts on the basis of the submissions of a global panel of experts. Details about registration, participation fees, and the individual speakers at the conference are available online at


Saturday, February 26, 2011

1:00 Welcome and Moderation
Moderator: Prof. Rodney Fitch, Fitch Worldwide

1:15 Shopping in a favorable light – effective and efficient shop lighting
Lighting is of vital importance to store design and visual merchandising. It directs attention to the merchandise and influences its perception while emphasizing the brand image of a retail company. At the same time, energy-efficient concepts and new technologies such as LED are gaining importance. Therefore nothing should be left to chance when it comes to light planning. Based on numerous practical examples, the lecture will show how up-to-date lighting concepts are implemented in the retail field through intelligent light planning, lighting control and the interdisciplinary collaboration of all areas involved.
Speakers: Marinella Pateta, METIS Lighting S.r.l., Claudio Valént, METIS Lighting S.r.l.

2:00 Building Blocks of Sustainability: Social, Environmental and Business Perspectives through Environmentally Friendly Business Practices
Representatives of leading global retailers will share their organizations’ experiences in making their companies, their retail outlets, and their business practices more environmentally friendly. With their 360-degree approach, each recognizes that their environmental policy is made up of commitments across all aspects of their business. With the focus on this commitment as it relates to the retail environment, they have effectively created a culture, a road map and a set of guidelines that each of their companies judges in its accountability and success.
Urs Berger, Federation of Migros Cooperatives
Deepak Deshpande, Tata International
Harald Fischer, Rewe Group
Brendan Sullivan, VF Corporation
Moderator: Ken Nisch, JGA Inc.

3:00 Coffee break

3:30 Waitrose Small Convenience – "fresh" small format
To cover the personal needs of customers for the next 24 hours – this is the aim of the new local supply concept of the British food chain Waitrose for small stores with areas of around 300 square meters. The product range is clearly divided into three segments: "food to eat now", "food to take home" and "everyday items". The idea, the implementation and the reactions of the customers are explained by Anthony Wysome and Martin Campbell Davis, who jointly developed the format.

Speakers: Anthony Wysome, Waitrose Ltd
Martin Campbell Davis, Schweitzer Project

4:15 Store Design Trends across the U.S.
Retailing in the U.S. has undergone significant changes and overcome many obstacles in the past few years. So what’s the landscape look like now? How have shoppers’ needs evolved? And how are retailers using store design to respond to these changes and get back on their feet? VMSD editor Anne DiNardo will moderate this informative discussion on retailing in the U.S. and what store design trends are impacting specific retail sectors, including grocery, consumer electronics and specialty apparel.

James Damian, Best Buy
Ignaz Gorischek, Neiman Markus
Sharon A. Lessard, Supervalu

Moderator: Anne DiNardo, VMSD Magazine

5:15 Discover Brazil - Store design highlights & key market facts of one of
the hottest & emerging retail centers

Brazil’s energy is driving new opportunities. Brazil is touted as the perfect mix of business and leisure. It’s nearly 200 million people make up the heart and driving soul of why Brazil has become one of the hottest retail markets in the world. It is next in line for the World Cup and in 2016 the Olympics will be held. There are 40+ shopping centers and malls under construction or planned in Brazil. Market experts Brian Dyches and Sao Paulo-based architect and famed retail designer Manoel Alves Lima will present a visual tour of the country’s hottest retail concepts and market highlights.

Brian Dyches, Atmospheric Group Inc./Trend Habitat
Manoel Alves Lima, Falzoni.Alves Lima Design

6:00 End of the conference program

6:30 Transfer to the Award Ceremony, “Theater im Capitol” in Düsseldorf

7:00 EuroShop Retail Design Award 2011 – Award Ceremony

Afterwards: Inaugural presentation of the EuroShop/Japanshop Award

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