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Honorable Mention

Aluvision Location: Hall 9, Stand D37
Dimensions: 25-by-46 feet (7.5-by-14 meters)
Design/Fabrication: Aluvision, Deinze, Belgium, 32-9-381-54-70,
Photos: Courtesy of Aluvision

Generally speaking, it's better to show people what you can do, rather than to tell them about your talents. That's exactly why Aluvision, a Deinze, Belgium-based provider of an aluminum-framework-based exhibit system, built its entire 25-by-40-foot exhibit out of its own products.

According to judges, the award-winning design "showed the creativity that is possible with a modular system, and the technical aspects of the product were presented in a creative, almost artistic way." What's more, the design allowed the inherent beauty and flexibility of Aluvision's system to speak for itself, without Aluvision uttering a word.

To help unify the space, a blue band of tension-fabric material surrounded the upper 6 to 12 feet of the booth, and a transparent white scrim stretched over the entire space to enclose and further define it. Rather than being a uniform width, however, the blue band wrapping the exhibit featured sharp angles, some of which reached down to within 6 feet of the floor.

The front of the booth also offered an angular component front and center — a fabric graphic featuring the iconic image from the company's print ads, depicting three women seemingly suspended from one of Aluvision's system components (an image which also appears on the opening page of Aluvision's website).

To bring that image to life, female staffers clad in outfits similar to those in the print ads were positioned on both front corners of the exhibit, where they engaged aisle walkers by assembling and disassembling components from Aluvision’s aluminum-framework system.

Within the stark-white interior, attendees discovered a reception desk, various bistro-style table and seating arrangements, and of course, myriad product displays. Graphics applied to various areas of the booth offered a Henri Ford quote: "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is a process. Working together is success." Clearly, Aluvision's own design experts know a thing or two about working together, as the company's booth wasn't only a success, it was an award winner to boot.

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