reek philosopher Heraclitus once claimed, “The only thing constant is change.” Indeed, in the past two decades we’ve witnessed the birth and global adoption of social media, the maturation of the worldwide web, and the evolution of mobile devices from clumsy handsets to streamlined gadgets that are so intelligent we’ve dubbed them smartphones.

But when it comes to the application of technology as a marketing implement, that constant change Heraclitus was referring to, along with the aforementioned omnipresence of all things electronic, presents a conundrum of sorts. With most custom exhibits designed and built over a span of several months — and most exhibit-marketing budgets outlined and approved annually — proactively selecting and implementing any given technology or combination thereof is risky at best and career-ending at worst. After all, what’s considered “in” today is likely to be ancient history by the time it makes an appearance on the show floor. Just staying up to speed on the cutting edge of marketing-related technologies takes more time and effort than memorizing both “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” — while playing “Angry Birds.”

To help make that epic challenge a little less daunting, and to determine exactly how such technologies are actually impacting face-toface marketers, EXHIBITOR issued the 2012 Marketing Technology Survey. When compared to the baseline established two years ago via our 2010 Marketing Technology Survey, it appears a greater percentage of companies are turning to technology to meet an entire host of marketing objectives.

About the Research: The 2012 Marketing Technology Survey was conducted
by Exhibitor Media Group. A total of 187 marketing professionals completed the survey

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