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Macau Pavilion
Photos courtesy of Milton Exhibits Group.

Theme: N / A Design: Oval Design Limited
Fabrication: Milton Exhibits Group Size: 10,763 square feet
Client: State Society for International Exhibitions Architect: Carlos Marreiros Architects

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Exterior Design: Inspired by the jade rabbit of Asian myth that guards the door to heaven, Macau’s Pavilion is also modeled after the traditional rabbit-shaped lanterns used in folk festivals in southern China. Its outer shell is encased with a double-layer glass membrane and fluorescent screens, but the hi-tech aspects never overwhelm its playful touches, including the bobbing red and white balloons serving as the hare’s head and tail. Building on the Expo 2010’s theme of “Better City, Better Life,” the exhibit uses solar-power panels and rain-collection systems mounted on the outside that provide sustainable sources of power and drinking water inside.

Pavilion Summary: Employing nearly 100 projectors — more than any pavilion at Expo 2010 — Macau unfolds a massive multimedia epic for visitors to its pavilion. Attendees first ascend six levels via an escalator that at one point cuts through a 49-by-46-foot fabric screen depicting images of the one-time Portuguese colony now administered by China. Once at the top, they trek down a gently sloping carpeted ramp on which images of traditional stone-and-pebble pavement — evoking Macau’s Portuguese heritage — are superimposed on the carpet. Along their way they encounter a series of vignettes, done with video projections and 3D cutouts that tell the centuries-long tale of Macau’s history, including information about calligraphy and painting, geographical landmarks, cuisine, and even Macau’s Grand Prix motor racing event.

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