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Guangdong Pavilion
Photos courtesy of Kingsmen Shanghai Co. Ltd.

Theme: Guangdong Qilou, Green Life Client: CCPIT Guangdong Sub-Council
Size: 5,000 square feet Design/Fabrication: Kingsmen Shanghai Co. Ltd.

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Exterior Design: Paying homage to its long-standing role as a gateway to the West, the Guangdong Pavilion (housed within China’s Joint Pavilion) also honors the Chinese provincial’s unique indigenous arts. Inspired by Qilou, a style of architecture based on 2,000-year-old Greek buildings popular in southern China for more than a century, the pavilion is sheathed in paper cutouts. Backlight by eco-friendly LEDs, the cutouts glow in the warm golden hues that evoke a world once lit only by candles.

Pavilion Summary: The pavilion’s three sections of Green Life, Green Cities, and Green Myths blend yesterday’s traditions with tomorrow’s technology. Attendees entering the Green Life zone wander down a replica of an old-style Guangdong marketplace, where the traditional is stirred together with the new: An herbal tea shop stands close to 3-D pictures depicting 400 years of daily life, from the Ming dynasty to the 1980s; a vegetable stall is located a few steps from a virtual photo shop where you choose a partner and see what your future offspring might look like. The pottery painting, “Canton Flavor,” one of the first in the world to use ceramic glazing and crystal mounting is right under the pavilion’s “sky curtain” ceiling and wall. When visitors clap their hands, a tiny tree on the sky curtain’s screen grows into a giant tree and then, with enough applause, multiplies into a forest.

Visitors board a simulation of the Pearl River Delta City express train in the Green City zone. With its 26 screens acting as windows on the region's panoramic landscape, the high-speed intercity offers guests a view of Guangdong's Green cities.

In Green Myths, the pavilion offers a film shot from the viewpoint of a pair of birds who fall in love and seek safer surroundings. Synchronized to respond to actions on-screen, the theater seats shake and move, with interactive controls that allow the audience to help turn the birds’ world from a grim environment into a Green one.

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